Kinesiology Specialising in Anxiety Depression and Trauma
Geraldine Zadkiel
Our unique Online Therapy Session or In-Person Kinesiology Session facilitates your body's own healing process. The physical body has an innate way to heal itself. The same principles apply to the emotional body. We believe they are linked together, therefore to heal from a physical issue or an emotional issue, you need to integrate healing on all levels.
We work holistically with your physical, emotional, mental, and electromagnetic energies toward complete healing. ​ Remember the old saying, “Continue to do the same thing and expect a different outcome......?” If your current lifestyle, diet, emotional stress, etc. has created an illness or disease, then continuing to do the same things each day and expecting your body to heal itself under these conditions makes it nearly impossible for a different outcome to be available to you. However, if you make some simple changes to create balance in your life then it can be easy for the body to heal. ​
The human body is made up of not just a physical body. We have emotions, thoughts, and energy. For example, if you go to a doctor they will identify and address a physical aspect of your condition. If you go to a psychologist they will look at the emotional aspect If you go to a nutritionist they will look at your diet and intake of required vitamins and minerals. During your session, we will look at all aspects of who you are, not just one part. Some conditions or illnesses are patterns that have developed deep within the subconscious mind. These are difficult to access therefore facilitating change becomes problematic.
Throughout this process, we can identify the cause of the problem in order to promote a self-empowered plan for healing. Taking into account all contributing factors, including physical condition, emotional thoughts, feelings, diet, and energy levels. The process of identifying the core issue or cause, clearing the stress that has created the problem, and integrating a healing response on all levels is phenomenal.
Presented online or in person Geraldine Zadkiel has over 16 years of experience working with clients individually and in groups specialising in Anxiety, Depression PTSD.